core competency reflection

Name: Marcus                                                                                                             Date:  2021-04-21   

How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the communication competency?  

During my complete quarter in guitar, I have demonstrated several of my communication skills. One of which is when I was instructed to perform a duet with a partner. This has a comparison to my communication skills because in order to stay on beat and rhythm with my partner, I would have to communicate by strumming in a certain way or pattern, I would also have to differentiate how loud I was playing each chord, and at times I would have to look at my partner and use my body language to tell them what chord. Another way that I have developed this was, when we would be learning our chords and how to play each and every one of them the right wayThis caused me to communicate more with my peers because I would be forced to ask others how to specifically play them. 

In many different paths I have really noticed that I have developed this severely from the start of this quarter to the final class. I have seen this with almost every assignment that was given to me. A great example of this was when I was gradually learning how to read each of the music notes. I have noticed that during the learning process of me reading these notes, I had to ask most of my peers what “this” means, and they would always kindly respond to what it meant. Because of this I was capable of deeply strengthening my communication skills to a large scale, compared to my past skills of this kind. 

 In what ways might you further develop your communication competency? 

I can develop my communications column in only a few ways that I determine are possible. One of which is by getting out of my comfort zone even more than I am now. If I were to do this more than I am now, I would be capable of making much more friends than I have at the moment.  

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