New Book Cover – “The Curious Incident of the dog in the night-time”

Current Cover of the curious incident of the dog in the night-time


In this novel, The curious incident by Mark Haddon, I think the upside-down dog on the middle of the cover has something to do with the fact that the book started with the dog Wellington being killed and it also ends with Christopher getting a new dog. I think the upside-down dog is also a symbol of new beginnings because you can turn any picture upside-down to turn it into a completely new picture. I think the style of the front cover is to make it look as if it’s a journal because many times during the book it mentions that this is Christpher’s book, and he wrote it. Another thing in the book that shows that the book is being written by Christopher, is the whole story is being told from his perspective. Also,  he often explains his thinking and how his mind works, and his overall perspective on different things throughout the book. For example, he often uses similes such as “It was like was swinging from side to side, as if it was at the top of a really tall building, and the building was swinging backward and forward in a strong wind.” This helps the reader to understand how he is feeling in that moment. 


On the cover I created for Mark Haddon’s the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, I chose to put the galaxy because throughout the book Christopher makes many comments about him feeling like his in space and how he wants to be an astronaut. I also added in a fading moon in the background I used this to represent how in the end of the story Christopher makes up with his dad after finding out he killed Wellington and starts to forgive his father but, making sure he doesn’t forget what he had done. The moon also easily connects to Christopher wanting to be and astronaut. Looking at the cover I created you may notice I chose to use red lettering instead of your basic black. I did this because it is mentioned multiple times in the book that red is Christopher’s favorite colour. The book also shows that Christopher finds a sense of comfort in the colour red you can notice this when Christopher talks about his car system and how he bases how good his day is going to be based off how many cars he sees in a row of a certain colour. “4 red cars in a row made it a Good Day, and 3 red cars in a row made it a Quite Good Day, and 5 red cars in a row made it a Super Good Day.” 












Meiosis Stop Motion Project



  1. Why did you decide to model Mitosis or Meiosis- one over the other? Be specific!!!


I chose to do Meiosis because I wasn’t completely sure that I understood it and wanted the opportunity to review each phase.


  1. What was the most challenging thing in making your movie?


For me this project was overall fairly challenging but I think the most challenging step was taking the pictures because it was hard to hold the phone up for a long time as well as trying to keep it in the same place because I didn’t have a tripod.



  1. What was the easiest thing to do in making your movie?


The easiest thing in the making of my movie was making and colouring the Playdough as well as creating each part in the video with the playdough.



  1. How could you improve your movie?


One way I could improve my video would be to choose a different colour background because the colour and oil from the Playdough transfered onto the background.



  1. Why is Mitosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Mitosis?

The point in cells performing Mitosis is that it helps the cells be able to help our bodies grow and develop.


  1. Why is Meiosis important? In other words, what is the point of cells performing Meiosis?


The point in the cells performing Meiosis is that without performing Meiosis you wouldn’t be able to reproduce.

ADL Mercury Project








1) What questions did you need to research in order to create your Sway?

Some of the questions I had to research were When was Mercury dicovered?, Who discovered Mercury?, What is the boiling and melting point of Mercury and Is Mercury’s melting and boiling point considered low?.


2) What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use through this project?

For this project I discovered a few new soures/sites for both images and information such as, Pixabay, Gale search and pexels.


3) What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

The process I followed was aquire, analyze,apply and then create. First I aquired the information and the answers to my questions then I when over my research and organized my notes. then I applied my research to my Sway and created my Sway.


4) How did you verify the information and cite the information you found?


I verified the information I found by going to different sites and seeing if the information matched/ added up. Then I went to the first site and cited that one. I cited my information my using a citation cite I cannot find the name of it.


5) How did the process of completing this project go? What could you have done better?


I think this process went very well something I could’ve done better was maybe including bonus information.


PHE Core Competency Reflection

How has Health Unit #1 caused me to assess my current state of health?  Well this health unit has helped me really think about and reflect on my mental health and wellbeing. This unit has also helped me get back into a healthy routine. This unit has really pushed me to try as hard as I can to succeed. Before this unit never really sat down and thought about my mental health and how important it is to make sure you have healthy relationships and have people you can talk to and trust. 
