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(1) How you figured out what equations to use. (2) Did you have any challenges? (3) Any aha moments? (4) Did you get help? (5) Did you use any strategies? (6) How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions and relations?

  1. When it came to choosing which functions I would use for each part, I first reviewed all the functions that are available to me, then chose which functions would best work for the specific part I was making. Often I had to combine multiple functions together to create the part required.
  2. Generally I didn’t have many challenges. I struggled a little with the handle of the lunchbox, and then procrastinated finishing it, but one day I decided that the lunchbox needed to be done so I tried some functions and it worked out with ease. My biggest struggle was the first “O”  in “Orlando”, because it’s a tilted ellipse and we haven’t been thought that. I ended up googling how to make that, and even then many people struggled to come up with an equation. I did end up finally finding a very long, weird and finicky equation and after playing with it for a few minutes I got it to work.
  3. I didn’t really have any “aha” moments in this project as it was all fairy smooth sailing, but I did get very happy and excited once I got the tilted ellipse to work.
  4. I didn’t really have any help throughout this project, I found it very enjoyable and was willing to dedicate hours to complete it. The closest thing to receiving help was when I googled how to do the tilted ellipse.
  5. I didn’t really have many strategies for this project, I simply one part/function at a time, and kept working on it until it was complete. I shaded/colored in the project as I went instead of leaving the shading fully to the end, and I feel like that helped me visualize the progress as I was going.
  6. Prior to this project I already had a very good understanding of functions and relations, so this project didn’t really expand my understanding, but it allowed me to play with all the functions and apply many transformations to them to create my art.

Self assessment:

Core Competency:

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