3D Studio Arts 12

Week 1 Sept/7/2023. Introductory Week

1. Since this week we did not do much except a scavenger hunt and make a edublog, 
take pictures of art around and online 
2. Going to my eye doctor appointment and missing things in class
3. Doing the work today 
4. Not to miss anything else this week
Week 2/Sept/14/2023. Elements and principles of arts sheet
1. This week I worked on my elements and principles of arts sheets, I glued pieces of paper from magazines, it took a long time and mx vittie gave us an extension to complete it
2. My biggest struggle was finding images
3. My biggest success was finishing the sheet with help
4. Next time I will do my own research for the threats of my animal and work on my armature

Week 3/Sept/18/2023. Panda

I will be making a giant panda for the life on land project, the threats for the giant panda include poaching for their fur, industrial such as dams, railways and roads, difficulties adapting to human behaviour and difficulties reproducing because of their selective nature 
solutions include nature reserves for pandas, protesting for poaching laws and protecting against the deforestation of bamboo forests

Week 3/Sept/21st/2023 piñata part 1

this week I worked on my paper mache panda piñata, I started with my research, then the drawing of my panda via vittie printing a side view of my panda to get the outline and finally the cutting of the artwork and cardboard, 
1. My biggest struggle was cutting the legs and ruining my panda body which I had to redraw
2. My biggest success was finally cutting the body parts for my panda out of cardboard 
3. My goal for next week is to work on the tinfoil and gluing of my panda

Week 4/Sept/25th/2023 Mushroom mug + lid

I will be making a custom pink mushroom known as the mycena clarkeana


What do you need to get started?

I will need ceramic clay, pink, light pink and lilac as well as deep purple underglazes, sculpting tools, and help from vittie when making the lid and handle and shaping the mug.

How will you begin the project?

I will begin the project by making the mug and handle first and then making the lid once the mug itself has a good shape to it I will then make the lid.

What challenges might you face in completing your goal? Any ideas on how you might solve them, or resources you could use to help vourself?

The challenges I will face include the lid not being able to fit the mug I will face this by using tin foil to make an armature and not knowing how to make the mug shape, resources I can use to help are vittie for her teaching, and videos on youtube for teaching as well.


Week 4/Sept/28th/2023 piñata part 2


  1. This week I worked on my panda piñata, I glued most of the parts together 

2. My biggest struggle was gluing the head incorrectly 

3. My biggest success was fixing my legs and head

4. Next week I will glue the legs to the body properly 

Week 8/Oct/26th/2023 piñata part 3 and water colour book marks 

1. Today and I worked on my panda, I have just started the papier-mâché process for the panda

2. The biggest struggle for me was finding a way to papier-mâché without touching it

3. My biggest success was using a brush to papier-mâché 

4. Next week I will continue to papier-mâché 

5. I will be working water colour book marks as a fun project before I work on my mushroom much these our my inspiration 

Week 10/nov/6th/2023 Bust purpose 


my bust emotion will be betrayal my facial expression will be of myself being brought to tears as black dahlias come out of my left and mouth, I will also put an exposed right lung with the flowers specifically black dahlias as they represent betrayal and sadness the purpose of this bust to help me get over my past negatively impacted relationships


Week 17/Jan/8th/2023 Pumfy and maintenance

I have recently been doing maintenance and have been also working on pumfy at som points in time, i will finish him as soon as possible, my biggest struggle was working with the paper ache mi, but my biggest success was the finished product with paper clay

Week 17/Jan/9th/2023 Bust process

I have for the past weeks before winter break been working on my bust, my biggest challenge was the flowers, but my biggest success will be the finished product


Week 17/Jan/11th/2023 Watercolour grid and wheel


today finished my watercolour  wheel and grid, my biggest struggle with it was drawing the wheel but my biggest success was doing the experiments 


Week 18/Jan/16th/2023 Bust Product

Bust of Betrayal

January 16 2024

Clay, ribbons, fake flowers, acrylic paint and hot

Mista Nemcovsky

My bust was made to represent the betrayals I have experienced within my bodily insecurities and my my relationships, the ribbons express the femininity I show even though my face tends to look masculine leaving me insecure and jealous of the women I see online. As for the flowers the express the love I have given to other but have gotten in return which is inspired by a fan fiction thing about unrequited love which is called the Hanahaki disease, which the victim of one sided love will cough up flowers unless the love is returned.


Week 18/Jan/23rd/2023 Life on Land Product

Giant Panda

January 23, 2024

Cardboard, papiermache, paper clay, acrylic paint

Mista Nemcovsky

The giant panda is a beautiful animal that is found all over china, and in the modern era have been experiencing awful threats such as poaching for the fur trade, habitat loss and agricultural logging, due to this they been getting endangered, though ways to help would protest against the poaching and if even donate to a charity that can put these beautiful creatures into a safe and kind shelter with lots of bamboo.