6 Responses

  1. Mr. Robinson at |

    Excellent job exercising your solution fluency in something that is meaningful to you! Great work including precautions for safety in your experiments. When you are innovating, safety is a big factor. Is the cooling pump still on its way? Is this an experiment that you could try at a later date? One thought: while your math showed 500,000 potatoes to get the correct current to charge your phone, I believe it is more like 800 potatoes, but still too many to be feasible. I love the way you included links to your sources within your embedded PowerPoint. This is an amazing post. Do you mind if I share your post out through social media?

  2. ammarahs2018 at |

    Awesome project, the research is very thorough and your experiment sounds pretty cool. Good job! Also your powerpoint is accessible now.

  3. Simon at |

    When I try to look at your PowerPoint it says I don’t have access. Just wanted to let you know.


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