All About Me

about Me

KSenya Narkevich

Hello! My name is Ksenya, and here’s a little bit about me.





I’m currently a high school student, but my passions lie within solving problems, calculations, and space. And so, I’ve set myself the goal to study mechanical, but focusing on aerospace, engineering in post-secondary. Watching livestreams of NASA’s newest drone-rover landing on Mars only inspires me more to be a part of the team that makes it happen. I want to be one of the mission control people erupting with joy when the news of a successful landing arrive!




My current, short-term goal is to obtain a PPL, or Private Pilot’s License. It sounds like quite a reach for a 17-year old, but is much more obtainable than it seems. Continuing the theme of aerospace, this journey has taught me so much about everything from weather, to engines, to navigations, and to, well, flying an airplane. I’ve never spent more hours a week hunched over my desk, studying for the next of many tests I need to pass, or driving around from doctor’s office to doctor’s office to get all the right papers signed, but it’s all very worth it. Imagine going on a sunset flight as an after-school activity! It’s always these little visions – almost fantasies – that keep me going after any goal I set.

~ Graduation ~









My big endeavor at the moment is The Orbit, created by Ammarah Siddiqui and I, a webinar program aiming to give new immigrants in Canada the basic technology skills needed for everyday life, such as sending emails, editing documents, navigating the file explorer, etc.  

With a website up and running (which you can visit below) and dozens of emails being sent out every week, we’re putting all our resources into making this a successful idea.

Now, I can’t go without talking about my filmmaking/photography journey. Throughout my entire life, if there was a possibility to make something into a video, I would take it. I also, at one point, would schedule photoshoots with my friends just to build my experience. And although I’ve since moved to other passions, I’ve kept my family tradition of making a recap video at the end of each year. Here is 2020!



In my free time, I love playing around with my 3D printer, using it as the solution to pretty much any problem that arises. Dad’s zoom meeting light keeps falling down? A 3D-printed holder now slips on top of his monitor and keeps it at an optimal angle. Brother’s best guitar pick snapped? We now have virtually infinite picks with any thickness, shape, or design one could ever want.

If you came here for school projects but instead got me rambling about shapeable plastic, don’t worry! I have plenty of those too, and they are spread across the various classes I’ve taken over the past few years. Here are some of my favourites!

Grade 9 - Fibonacci Sequence
Grade 10 - Science is Magic
Grade 11 - Engineering Passion Project


Aside from everything mentioned, I’m a huge lover of the outdoors. A weekend is never complete without either a hike, a kayaking or paddle boarding trip, bike ride, or ski or snowshoe trip. I share this passion with my dad, and we’ve racked up hours on just about every body of water and mountain in the Lower Mainland.

My other go-to in my spare time is music – I’ve spent my entire childhood in various music lessons, from piano, to violin, to cello. There’s just nothing like sitting down on a rainy day and going through your entire repertoire.


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One Response

  1. Sharon McKay at |

    This is an amazing blog. I am excited for your future!!! All the best in your post secondary adventures! 🙂


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