My Knowledge Reflection

1. What are your top three subject areas? Business Social Science Technical Trades 2. What topics do they include? a. Accounting, Entrepreneurship and Marketing. b. History, Geography, Law and Politics c. Agriculture, Cosmetology, Foods and Construction 3. What is your Career Cluster? Marketing, Sales and Service 4. What are some of the things someone in this…

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Learning Styles Survey Reflection

1. What is your learning style? Visual Learner 41% visual 31% kinesthetic 27% auditory 2. List four study tips that were recommended to you. Bold the ones you have not tried yet. Participate in more hands-on tasks during learning Use Flash cards to sort concepts Study in short blocks of time and give yourself breaks…

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My Personality Reflection

What is your personality type? The provider 2. Explain your personality type. What are some of the characteristics listed in your report? Do they match the adjectives you used to describe yourself in the “Personality Activity”? I got extroverted, sensing, feeling and judging. I don’t think I am extroverted person but most of the time…

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