Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

Desmos project

(1) How did you figure out what equations to use?

for finding the equations I Know that we had to use each of the ten different functions at least once, I used that as a starting point. Once I found a place for each equation I started tracing the other lines. I was able to attempt to fit the functions where they would perform best based on how they seemed graphed.

(2) Did you have any challenges?

The number one challenged that I faced was procrastination. other than that and fitting a log graph the desmos project was quiet simple. I overcame my first challenge by creating a work schedule for this project.


(3) Any aha moments?

An aha moment is when one of my group members told me that I could make variable for a restriction and drag it instead of plotting different values to try and make it exact. Another aha moment was with absolute values. By first setting a standard function of b(x)=|x| and then using a different variable, such as c, you would say c1=b and then add any changes to the right of the b, I used the function notation for the absolute value function as an example.

(4) Did you get help?

while doing this project I went through a lot of trial and error but which ultimately ended up with me asking for help when it came to coloring  certain functions{log ,rational). Although I was able to discuss several ideas and the best ways to construct specific equations with my friends, I didn’t receive much assistance overall.


(5) Did you use any strategies?

Setting up a work schedule designated towards my desmos was they key for me to actually do the project. i also I took advantage of winter break and finished the outline before I cam back to school which really helped in being able to finishing the project on time .


(6) How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions and relations?

It allowed me to understand the concept incredibly well because I had to use a lot of transformations, and as a result, I wasn’t stuck trying to find out how to make the function exactly match the line. Additionally, it was helpful for me to review all the many components of the functions and what they each did in relation to the horizontal or vertical transformation.

Theme park project

In this project, we all individually did different sections so that we could complete this project. I had to battle with time because I was very busy with soccer at the time and basketball as well but I still found time to do my part with little to no help and completed my section. I really enjoyed working with my group and it was a very fun experience. I also had to overcome my habit of procrastination or else I would of never of completed this project



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