week 18 — word problems

This week, I have learned how to deal with word problems on systems, especially about distance, speed and time. Distance = speed * time Speed = distance/time Time =distance/speed For example: There are 3 steps for solving: – define the variables (Let x = … y = …) – write system of linear equations –…

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week 17 — substitution and elimination

This week, I have learned how to solve systems of linear equations by substitution and elimination, and how to do word problems on systems. substitution Step 1: choose the simpler equation and express one variable in terms of the other Step 2: substitute the expression from step 1 into another equation. Step 3: solve the…

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week 14

This week I have learned how to use slope y-intercept form, point-slope form and general form. Slope y-intercept form For example: The form y=mx+b can be used to determine the equation of a line when the following information is given the slope of the line and y-intercept of the line. point-slope form For example: m…

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week 13 — Slope

This week we did our relation and function test. And we started a new chapter, Slope. This chapter is quite fun and interesting. What is Slope Slope is a number that describes the steepness of a line is a tangent ratio it is the ratio of rise (the number of height) over run ( the…

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Week 12 — function

This week we started a new chapter Function. One of the most interesting things we learned this week is the ways the functions can be represented. What is Function? Function is a special type of relation. Each element of the domain is related to exactly one element of the range. Each input must only have…

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week 11 — mid-term exam

This week we didn’t learn too many things, but the teacher hung us back on the mid-term exam. In the exam, I got some questions wrong about trigonometry. The questions I get wrong are kind of like: PMQ is a right triangle, angle P is 90° and P side is 30cm. The M side is…

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week 10 — Domain and Range

  This week was a short week, so the only thing we learned this week was Domain and Range. Domain input x independent aka wall is a set of all possible input values. Range output y dependent floor/ ceiling is a set of all possible output values. For example, (yellow)R: -3 ≤ Y < 3(blue)D:-3…

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week 9 — rational

We have started a new chapter which is Relations, and we have reviewed something we have learned in grade 9 and started learning something new. Review Cartesian plane: is divided into four quadrants. To describe the pattern in worlds and the equation: For example,   The things we start learning Discrete variables vs. Continuous variables…

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week 8 — number types

  This week I did my polynomials and factoring unit test and I am really getting on my midterm test. And when I was studying for the midterm, I found something that I did not understand too much about. I thought I understood the types of different numbers but actually not. We have studied 6…

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