Stop Motion – Ecological Cycles on Mars

Our task was to create a stop motion video of the 5 cycles for necessary substances on Mars and how to recycle them.

a/What the heck is STOPMOTION?

Stop motion is a series of photos taken one after the other. When you put them together in a video, it seems as though the images are moving.


b/ Name what app & equipment your team will use?

Stop motion studio and we will be using paper to draw all of our images and write all of our notes, drawing supplies, a ring stand, scissors, flashlight and a phone

i/ Who is on your team?

Kennedy, Katie C, Micole, Aileen, and Evelina


ii/ What is each members task?


Kennedy will research the steps for water and draw some pictures for the video

Micole is doing the editing of the video and researching nitrogen

Aileen is doing the drawing for the video and researching phosphorus

Katie is doing the research for oxygen and the drawing for the video

Evelina is doing the research for carbon as well as some drawings for the video


Everyone will write out their notes on small pieces of paper to add to the video as well as drawing out their own pictures to go with their video


All of us will also help Micole out with the editing and the production of the videos


Sources for the water cycle information:


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