The Ineffective Green Buying

The article deals with today’s issue of overconsumption and clearly states the difference of “green buying”. Its content about buying “green” made me contemplate what the real purpose of the “green” concept was. Even though it is a research article, the usage of repetition clearly emphasizes the authors point. The results of “life satisfaction [and] […]

Poetry in the News

Brought So Much, Gone So Fast Oh! The delight we bring to the face of this earth What we thought that we were worth On a voyage, gratifying the greed of their needs We are distributed in millions, millions indeed Being born and tightly tucked between plastics with pellucid nothingness Then flying to the unceasing […]

Beating Malaria

Malaria is an extensive disease that has killed millions of people, but the news of eradicating it interested me. It was intriguing because the article reveals that we only need to focus on improving the management, creating innovative tools, and managing finances to finally beat malaria. There is always an insufficiency to universal healthcare and one […]