Digital Footprint

Shoe Prints

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?

Your digital footprint can affect your future opportunities by preventing you from getting into university. It can also make it more likely for you to get a job. Digital footprints can be bot negative and positive. Positive digital footprints make it so you are more likely to get a certain job or get into university. Negative digital footprints do the opposite, making it less likely for you to be accepted into university or get a job.

Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe. 

Some strategies you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe is to have a Closeup Photography of White Gate With Brass-colored Padlockprivate account on social media. Private accounts make it so that the only people that can see your posts are approved followers, meaning that unless you let them follow you nobody can see your posts. Another piece of advice is if you are planning to post a photo that has someone that’s not you in it, ask them if it’s okay to post. Even if you think it’s okay to post they might not think so. If you’re not sure if a photo is okay to post, don’t post it! One strategy that some people use is not posting anything that you wouldn’t want your parents to see. This might not work for everyone though because some parents are fine with Person Holding Iphone Showing Social Networks Folderthings that other parents are not okay with. The last strategy I have is to always think through before you put something on the internet. Sometimes we can be careless when it comes to the internet, so before you post anything on the internet think about the effects it could have on your future.


What information did you learn that you would pass onto other students? How would you go about telling them?

I would tell other students to be mindful about what they put on the internet. I would also tell them that universities and jobs search you up when you apply to places,Person Holding Space Gray Iphone 6 so to make sure that there’s nothing you wouldn’t want them to see about you online. Some advice I might also share is that once your on the internet everybody can find you, so don’t share your personal information or upcoming events (for example you being out of town) online. I would go about telling them by suggesting it and warning them against the consequences of not paying attention to your digital footprint.
