BC Forestry Industry

What direction should the BC Forestry Industry take?

Clearcutting is a practice that includes cutting down every single tree in a selected area. Clearcutting is the most common and economically profitable method of logging. Clearcutting has envirionmental effects such as loss of topsoil, on the other hand, clearcutting can be used to create land for farming. Modifications has been made to clearcutting practices like cutting smaller areas, retention of wildlife in clear blocks and more to make clearcutting a more sustainable thing.

Silviculture is a practice that includes harvesting the trees, replanting trees and controlling the growth, health and the quality of the forest which has different needs. Silviculture focuses on regeneration where humans grow artificial sown seed or seedlings to regrow the forest.

Silviculture is the path that BC Forestry Industries should take because not only are we regenerating the forest for future use, it could also create more jobs such as tree planters.

“Alternatives ToConventional ClearcuttingCOLOR>.” Alternatives to Conventional Clearcutting, www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfp/publications/00217/atcc.htm.

“Silviculture.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Feb. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silviculture.

“Clearcutting.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Mar. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearcutting.

One comment

  1. We do practice silviculture here in BC. But how effective is it? Are we acting in sustainable ways? If we cut back, would it be a huge detriment to our economy?

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