Ethic of Care and Environmental Ethic

Key Question: What would an ethic of care towards the environment look like?

What would be needed to create it?

To develop a care towards the environment, first people has to recognize that the environment is important for people to be able to live and know that the environment can’t take care of itself so humans has to take care of it.

What would we have to believe about the environment? How should we see it?

We have to believe that even something like throwing a trash on the ground could affect us in a negative way in the long run, if everyone threw trash on the ground eventually it would get worse and worse. We should see that the environment cannot clean itself and it depends on us to clean and take care of it.

How would we act? – give scenarios

If we knew that the environment depends on us, we would act differently. For example, we would not throw our trash on the ground and if there’s trash on the ground we would pick it up.

What would be different about the world if everyone adopted this ethic of care towards the environment? Benefits and drawbacks?

I think the world would be cleaner and we would benefit cleaner air, water and environment but the drawbacks of everyone adopting to the ethic of care towards the environment would be people not focusing or get distracted from other bigger issues and maybe more important ones.

Should we adopt an ethic of care towards the environment?

I think we need to adopt an ethic of care towards the environment because if we don’t, there’s a chance that the environment we live in would be ruined and the result would not benefit us in the future.

One comment

  1. I like how you phrased that, that we need to recognize that the environment can’t take care of itself.

    A clean environment is important (water, air, soil), I agree.

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