Jessica's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio


Grade 10

Week 17-math 10-substitution

What we learned today was really confusing but I was able to figure it out by looking at each step carefully. I thought it would be a good idea to write my blog post about it because then if I… Continue Reading →

Week 16- math 10- different forms

Over the last couple weeks we learned three different  forms of equations point-slope form, slope y-intercept form and general form. General form is not very helpful but it’s very nice a pretty too look at. The two that are the… Continue Reading →

Week15-math 10- equations from coordinates

when finding the equation from two coordinates on a graph remember to always get the slope first. (Y=mx+b) these kind of math problems I find best to walk though examples to explain. If we start with coordinates like (-1,6)(5,-4) we’d… Continue Reading →

Week14- math10-slopes

we started a new section this week called slopes, I think I’m doing alright with keeping up with the class and I’ve learned a lot so far. One thing I’ve learned is finding the slope. It’s quite a complicated and… Continue Reading →

Week13-math10- reading graphs

we didn’t learn a lot of new stuff this week because we only had two classes, but one thing I remember learning is how to read graph and how to match a graph to a description. Here’s Some things to… Continue Reading →

Week 12- math 10-function notation

I don’t really know how to explain this but I think it’ll be very helpful. Starting off this week I felt pretty confident with what we’ve learned so far, the only thing i got stuck on was 6.2 in the… Continue Reading →

Week11-math 10- domain and range

Domain and range is something I learned this week and think it will be very helpful in future classes. Domain is another name for the input number for a graph or a t-chart, range is the output numbers. They can… Continue Reading →

Week10-math 10-1,2,3,4 rule

I think we might have touched on this rule before but this week I really learned what it is and how to use it. #1 is does everything in the expressions have something in commun? If so divide everything by… Continue Reading →

Week7- math10-factoring

this week we learned about factoring it includes many of the other things we’ve learned in previous weeks. Factoring is essentially then opposite of expanding. We can use factoring in a equation where we are given the area but not… Continue Reading →

Week 6- math 10-multiplying binomials

One of the things I found were really helpful in this unit and that i’ll definitely be using on the test is multiplying binomials. When approaching an equation like this (x+5)(x-5) always remember 2 x’s always make x Also because… Continue Reading →

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