
a) What Widgets and Plugins did you choose?

Easy Tables, Calendar+ and Footnotes.

b) What are there strengths?

Easy Tables is great for exactly what it says, making tables. It’s simple and does its job well. Calendar plus adds some interesting new features to the Edublog calendar and Footnotes like Easy Tables is a simple add-on that helps make better quality blog posts.

d) What are there weaknesses?

There aren’t any real downsides to Easy tables or Footnoes, however, while Calendar+ has some interesting features, the process to use these features is very out of the way and over complicated for what it provides.

e) Can these programs be used in a classroom setting to enhance student learning? Would you use it and/or recommend it?

Easy tables and Footnotes are great additions to a blog especially in subjects that sometimes use graphs and tables (ie: math) or in the case with footnotes in English with sourcing and adding extra info. Overall they both have good uses help with visual appeal and clarity. I definitely recommend these plugins.

Calendar+ could be used to enhance the look and feel of your blog however I wouldn’t recommend it because it would be much more useful using a calendar app linked to your email and office account.

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