Care Ethics in Geography

How do you personally define an ethic of care?

  • Must have some sort of emotional attachment/investment
  • May oppose what is just
  • Doesn’t need to be proven
  • There is a difference between service and care

What would be needed to create an ethic of care?

At some point you have to have share an experience with the thing you care for. Concern for that thing may create a care ethic as well.

What would we have to believe about the environment to care for it? How should we see it?

We must understand that the environment affects us all directly. Even if it’s something happening across the world, people should believe that changes in the environment will eventually have an affect on everyone.

How would we act if we cared about the environment? – give scenarios

If we cared about the environment everyone would think twice about the footprint they leave on the earth. People would generally agree on issues regarding the environment, for example people would agree that deforestation is harmful and that we shouldn’t do it.

What would be different about the world if everyone adopted this ethic of care towards the environment? Benefits and drawbacks?

The main benefit of care ethics toward the environment is that many environmental problems would most likely be relieved or have improved. On the contrary if everyone adopted these care ethics the way we solve these issues may go against what is just.

Should we adopt an ethic of care towards the environment?

Generally I believe we should adopt an ethic of care toward the environment. However, they should be implemented in a way that can coincide with certain deontological ethics.

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