Eggs At Home

Here are three different egg recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

 Breakfast-Eggs and avocado on toast

This is a super delicious and healthy breakfast item and its super easy to make. The runny yolk will compliment the crunch of toast and smoothness of the avocado. adding some fresh fruits and vegetables will taste great on the side of this recipe

Lunch- egg and cheese burrito

Wrapped in a tortilla shell, the cheese and egg will melt perfectly together and be super tasty. You can use salsa on the side for some extra flavor or for a small hint of spice. the veggies are great and add so many fresh flavors.

Egg Burritos

Dinner-bacon and egg in sheet pan

Bacon and eggs with a twist, in a sheet pan with various veggies like peppers and other ingredients of your choice. The crispy bacon and soft eggs taste amazing together, you can put it into a sandwich too, shown above in the picture.

Part 3: my at home cooking photos

I chose to make the avocado and egg on toast, here are the pictures:





Consumable Waste Reflection

Consumable food waste reflection 

Food packaging can come many different forms around the world. The most used packaging is plastic, (plastic containers, plastic wrap, ETC)Plastic is used the most because it keeps the product fresh, and helps to stop the food from spoiling, so plastic is mostly used on expirable foods such as Meatdairy products, fruits, vegetables. It is also used for candy wrappers and grocery bags. Plastic is good for the purchaser because it supposably maintains food quality and safety. Plastic is bad for us too. Once the plastic touches the food that we consume, it spreads many harmful chemicals and bacteria from dirty factories around the world that we do not even realize. Plastic is one of the world’s biggest problems causing climate change, this is because plastic does not break down on its own, and because people are not being responsible with it, they are throwing it on the ground, and they are not recycling it properly. the plastic enters the oceans and forests and kills off many of our animals. The chemicals in plastic can even spread to other pieces of plastic too making it even more dangerous. It also ruins our air quality. Depending on the material, plastic can take up to 20-500 years to fully decompose. Once we recycle plastic, it gets sent to some place that will melt the plastic and turn it into something new.  The stuff that we do not recycle ends up in a landfill, or in our rivers, the ocean, and the forests. Here are four suggestions that we can decrease the amount of waste that we create: 

  1. Recycle our finished products 
  2. composting our food scraps 
  3. Try to buy fewer plastic products when shopping 
  4. Use re-usable food containers and water bottles