Energy Production and Information Fluency science 9 Block C

Solar Energy a Message to Justin Trudeau  For my Energy Production Project I decided to research information on the pros and cons of solar panels as well as solar energy. This is probably one of the main sources of energy that is becoming more popular…

Community Connections PE 9 Jayden W

For my Community Connections project I was having trouble getting people to respond to my attempt to reach out. Eventually I realized that it made more sense if I just decided to go out and seek the person out instead of waiting for a reply….


Jayden W Science Humains 9 Block D Pour moi le pouvoir veut dire quelqu’un qui a une présence qui est noter par les autres ou tout le monde sait quand il entre la sal.  C’est quelqu’un qui peut changer ta vie sans qu’ils le sachent….

Lit Circles Stop Motion English 9 Block A

Here is the stop motion video that we made using the program stop motion. It is based on the events that took place during the book we read in class. The book we read was little brother. The stop motion is done with Lego, because…

Power Tech 10 Trebuchet Project Block C

Jayden & John  December 19th ,2019 Block C  Trebuchet Project Reflection   For this project my partner john and I set out to build a fully functioning tabletop trebuchet that would be able to throw a golf ball at least six feet. We started strong with a plan…

-Robotic arm reflection- Power Tech 10 Block C Jayden and Gautom

Jayden and Gautom Block C    Robotic Arm                             November 13th, 2019   We were tasked with a project to test our problem solving and idea creating abilities. The goal was to create a robotic arm power by hydraulics and use this arm to complete the fairy simple…

TOKTW 2019

Vancouver Police Department  Student Reflection :