Video Essay: Social Media Causes More Harm

Social Media has its pros and cons however the cons heavily outweigh the pros. Social Media has driven society into a state of social anxiety, being constantly distracted and kids less active in their early years. Over the years social media has become the main hub for modern society. You can do everything from talk to your friends, manage business emails and phone calls, post, stream, purchase and  many more all while being behind a screen where no one can see you. The ability to not be face to face with anyone has caused the majority of the younger generation to not develop simple conversational skills when talking with other individuals, older and younger. Recent studs have shown that people are communicating less with each other with the rise of social media and naturally feel connected by easily following their friends and others on social media platforms and rarely converse face to face. Social Media has also been the main distraction of society as of late. I am constantly finding individuals, and myself regularly being distracted by our electronic devices. This constant distraction is not only a danger to yourself but the others around you. Recent studies have shown that in 2018 “About 26% of all car crashes involve phone use, including hands-free phone use.”(National Safety Council) according to the national safety council, showing that distracted driving has accounted for a significant amount of motor vehicle collisions in the past year. Social media has made humans very unaware of their surroundings as the user cares more about what is going on in their phone rather than the area around them. Therefore being a danger to themselves or others because they are distracted and not paying attention. People need to refrain from using social media so frequently. Be in the now and experience something other than “another friend request”. It’s as simple as putting your phone down for a couple hours and going out to do something. Lastly social media has made it so kids are going outside less often as apposed to when social media wasn’t around. They spend much more inside with their devices rather than going outside. Parents would rather shove a device in their kids face to entertain them rather than saying go outside and play. In the end social media has its perks but is subsequently doing more harm than good.

Persuasive Video



“CAA National.” CAA, CAA,

“Social Media as a Distraction from Real Life.” Mintel, 20 June 2018,

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