How can the effect of Residential Schools be passed down from generation

The impact of the Indian residential schools would be very hard for the parents then raising their kids. After all the abuse in the residential schools and the knowledge of the white man would be further passed down to the younger generations. Since the parents wouldn’t even know their own language they wouldn’t be able to teach their young the language of their peoples so that’s a way their culture and identity start to fade away. The parents might also use the teachings and abuse on their own children just from being abused all the time in the residential schools it would mess them up and sometimes for a long time. The impact on their cultures was greatly disrupted from being away from home as a child. Growing up you wouldn’t learn what your culture is all about and who you are as a person. Now the adults who went through the residential schools try to raise their children its hard because they would try to teach them about their Native culture and who they are as a person even though it would be hard for the parents to know. 

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