Hypothesis: When trying to create electricity using fruit, the fruits with the most acid will create the most electric voltage. I believe that fruits with more acid will have better results because the acid will serve as a conductor of the electricity. It will serve as a kind of bridge to fuel and create an electric voltage. Acid creates ion charges much easier than most other groups. In our case, we are using grapes, an apple, kiwi and strawberry. In our experiment, I think the kiwi will create the most electricity.
Bellow are some pictures, and if you click on the link some videos that were taking during the experiment.
science-fruit-video science-fruit2 science-fruit3
My hypothesis was correct, as the kiwi created the most electricity. When conducting this experiment, we placed a nail into the fruit, and then clipped the wires to the fruit and to the voltmeter. For all of our fruits the voltmeter indicated that each fruit had an electric charge. Strawberry and kiwi definitely had the most reaction, as the two of them have the most acid. The acid creates bigger ion charges, which helps create the electricity.
- What kind of circuit will produce electron flow in your fruit/vegetable cell? A series circuit.
- If your bulb doesn’t glow, how can you find out if electrons are flowing? By looking at the machine and seeing how much the pointer moves.
- If your bulb doesn’t glow, why not? Because their isn’t enough power to make the bulb glow.
- How can we modify our experiment to improve our results? We could modify it by using bigger pieces of fruit.
- What is causing electrons to flow in this experiment? The amount of acid and the ion charge.