The Friday Everything Changed Paragraph

“The Friday Everything Changed” shows a town where different types of individuals are judged by because of the traditions that have always existed. In this story, boys have more privileges than girls, boys also had the capability to control the rights of the girls, and that the tradition perpetuated a female stereotype. Boys have more freedom than girls because the tradition is biased to the boys and that the capabilities of the girls are underestimated. In the story, an aspect that proves that the boys have more privileges than girls is that boys get to carry the water bucket since the beginning of the tradition. The tradition had control over people’s freedom, the boys did the same with the girls. Boys have control on the freedom of the girls in the story because the girls accepted the way they are being judged. One of the boys threatened the girls by saying “the first girl that goes out to field, we break her neck.” This showed the boys had control over the freedom of the girls. The story showed when the tradition judged the girls, so did the boys. The boys thought that girls are weak. In the scene where Arnold shows up to convince Alma to drop this nonsense by saying that “in the cold days it’s real hard work and that she’s better off in the warm school.” Arnold judged his cousin and concluded that she was weak and incapable of completing such a task. In conclusion, the main point is that tradition judges individuals of varying types throughout the story such as when the boys have more freedom than the girls, how the boys have the authority over the rights of the girls, and how boys judged girls just like the tradition did.

One Comment

  1. jthies-2014 said:

    a superb response

    March 11, 2016

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