About Me


“I go by Vector. It’s a mathematical term, represented by an arrow with both direction and magnitude. Vector! That’s me, because I commit crimes with both direction and magnitude. Oh yeah!

– Victor Perkins

This quote turned out to be an outstanding one in my opinion because of how authentic it is and how it touched people’s hearts, as well as provide tears of jubilance, anguish and hope all at the same time


I chose this video because of how original it is and how it pleased my eyes. I liked it because of the crowd and the “pusher’s” effort into making this hilariously innovative clip. This clip brilliantly demonstrates how mankind can overcome any type of obstacle, even a monster of the seas. His video inspired many people to be courageous individuals that would overcome any hurdles in their lives. I like this clip because it reminds me of broccoli and that makes me unsettled, and being unsettled makes me feel comfortable, which is cool I guess.


This picture has impacted me in many ways. 1) It sprouted questions at the top of my head (How is it yellow and white?, How is it blue and black?, Why am I directing my attention into this?) 2) I have been made fun of by people by unknowingly contradicting their expectations on what colour the dress was 3) It temporarily rerouted my attention into this dress rather than my schoolwork. Overall this picture is currently the bane of my existence as of February 2015, and once this whole thing kinda dies out, another one will replace it probably. Maybe I’ll get it right this time.

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