“The Stranger” History Paragraph

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Poems such as “The Stranger” help to reveal the dark periods of Canadian history by providing the mood and setting of those who suffered during this time period. Gord Downies’s poem displays a young indigenous boy who is trying to escape from the horrible residential schools. Young children were stripped from their homes, culture, and traditions and were forced to assimilate into the majority lifestyle. Individuals faced abuse and those who survived lived with lifelong damage and trauma. “The Stanger” helps to shed light on the faults made in Canadian history. Many of these topics go un-mentioned and forgotten which doesn’t help to teach young ones of the acts of cruelty and discrimination that have been committed in the past. When the dark periods of Canadian history are spoken out, the world is able to make a positive step by tackling these issues to create prevention for the future. By recognizing the mistakes made, survivors begin to feel welcomed and are unafraid to speak out about their challenges and are able make awareness for people in the community to see. Poems such as “The Stranger” help to reveal the dark periods of Canadian history by shedding light onto the situation and letting individuals embrace the mistakes that were made and work towards a better community and world.

Photo Citation: https://www.google.com/search?q=residential+schools&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA756CA756&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjspLGp2OvhAhXeHTQIHZzxBbYQ_AUIDigB&biw=983&bih=744&dpr=2#imgrc=3TntulEIgQHhiM: