
The discovery of DNA proves that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct because we are able to look at how completely different animals have the same genes but different switches. Darwin believed that every living thing evolved from the same common ancestor; however, I disagree with parts of his theory. I agree that animals evolve but I disagree that every living organism evolved from the same common ancestor. When Darwin went to the Galapagos Islands he discovered that the finches and turtles on each of the islands were different from one another. The finches had bigger beaks, and the turtles shells were different shapes and colours. The reason for this was to fill the different niches.

The finches all evolved from the same species. Down below you will see the different types of finches. On one island you have a bird with a big and thick beak. The finch with the thick beak probably ate more nuts or other foods that it had to break open; hence the big, strong beak. While another finch may have had a smaller beak but still was strong so they may have eaten some nuts but also maybe insects. A third finch may have had a really small beak; therefore, they may have eaten just insects. Finally, another bird may have had a really small but narrow beak, they may have eaten nectar from a flower or bugs in trees; as a result, they developed a longer beak to fit in small holes. The turtles, same sort of thing with the finches. They evolved from the same tortoise, but over time at different islands they evolved and changed their shells. One may have needed a more dome shaped shell for protection against predators, while another may have certain colours for a specific reason such as mating, or blending in to hide from predators. The reason for these changes were just mutation and switches in DNA either turning on or off DNA sections, not the actual DNA changing. This part I agree with Darwin on.

Image result for darwin finches

Another example of evolution is the Tiktaalik, or Tiktaalik roseae, which is a fish that went extinct. This fish was like any other except the fins were different. Its fin had the bone structure of a forearm. Now a fish that may be related to the Tiktaalik but is still alive is the Paddlefish, or Polyodon spathula. The paddlefish’s fin is more like an actual fin but still shows the same bone structure as a forearm. The two are related because of the Hox genes, which is what caused the steps in changing a fish fin to be built like a human forearm. You can see the Tiktaaliks fin down below.

Image result for tiktaalik and paddlefish fins

This helped give scientists the impression that humans and other four-legged animals came from fish, but this is where my disbelief comes in. For me its too much of an assumption, because we haven’t actually seen humans evolve from fish. To me it’s easier to believe that one of every kind, kind being a very important word, and those kinds evolved into different species. Than to believe that all animals of this earth evolved from the same single-celled organism. Both beliefs has assumptions that are made, but from what I know and videos of atheists and Christians debating there are less assumptions for Christianity. Although, that’s just my opinion and belief.


The discovery of DNA proves that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct because we can look at how completely different animals have similar genes but different switches. All we need to do is look at the different types of finches that Darwin was looking at on the Galapagos Islands. They are the same species of finches but look and function differently because of the islands they originate from. They had to adapt and evolve throughout the years to survive. So by now they probably have different genes or at least different switches that turns the specific genes on or off depending what the birds needed to survive. Same with the tortoise, there shells either different colours or shaped differently because of the island they are on. They needed to adapt and evolve to their environment to survive. Lastly, we know the Paddlefish is related to the prehistoric fish the Tiktaalik. We know this because their fins have the same bone structure as arms. The Hox genes in both fish command the next stage of development to make them have the same bone structure as forearms, which is how we know they’re related. All of this changes how scientists look at evolution now and in the future because now because they can see what switches or genes makes animals different.


Bacteria: The first image is the Acidobacteria, its members are very different from eachother. They are found in hot springs, oceans, caves, soil, and metal-contaminated soils. The second image is the Aquificae and are found in springs, pools, and oceans.

Archaea: The third image is the Crenarchaeota, which were originally found in heated sulfric springs. They were then found that most of them are actually in marine environments. The fourth image is the Euryarchaeota, which is a greatly diverse group. It includes methanogens, which produce methane and can survive extreme conditions of salt.

Protists: The fifth image is the Watermelon Snow, which is a green algae with a red pigment. They are found in freeing fresh water. The sixth image is an edible kelp found in East Asia called Kombu.

Plants: The seventh image is the Dracaena Cinnabari or Dragons-Blood Tree, it’d in Yemen in the Arabian see and gets its name from the red sap it produces. The eighth image is the Amorphophallus titanium also known as the Corpse Flower. It’s found in Indonesia and it gets its name because it smells like a corpse when bloomed.

Fungi: The ninth image is the Phalaceae, which are found all over the world but mainly in tropical regions, and are known for there sticky spore masses that are foul-smelling. The tenth image is the Sordariomycetes, and can be found soil, dung, leaf litter, and decaying wood.

Animals: The eleventh image is the Poecilotheria Metallica, it’s found in Andhra Pradesh, India. The twelfth image is the Nomascus Hainanus and is found only on Hainan Island.


Image result for acidobacteria    Image result for aquificae  Image result for Crenarchaeota  Image result for Euryarchaeota  Image result for watermelon snow  Image result for kombu  Image result for dragons blood tree  Image result for titan arum  Image result for stinkhorn  Image result for sordariomycetes   Image result for Poecilotheria metallica   Image result for hainan black crested gibbon