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Similes are often used to describe abstract thoughts in a more concrete manner. For example, you can take the idea of love and describe it as an amusement park. This helps people understand your thoughts without having to describe each complexity as one can imply what you mean by “amusement park”. The key to similes are the words “like” or “as”. Surprisingly you can also use words that convey the same meaning as “like” or “as” such as “in the way that”. Similes are used as a way to compare two different things to describe an idea or thing in a more unique and interpretive manner.


My old dog is as blind as a bat.

This homework is as difficult as nailing jello to a tree!

You’re acting like an animal


Metaphors are much like similes in many ways. They both compare two dissimilar things. However, metaphors moreso completely equate the two dissimilar ideas. Metaphors use concrete words like “was” or “is” and can often be misinterpreted. Metaphors say that one thing is actually another thing. It is like saying that your dog is actually a cat. However, it is still a way to describe and compare two things by saying they are alike to the point of being the same. Both terms do not make literal sense and play on stereotypes and common knowledge to get ideas across in an indirect fashion.


She’s the apple of my eye

He has a heart of stone

The sound of rain is music to my ears