Reproduction Content: While asexual reproduction only involves one organism, sexual reproduction requires both a male and a female. Some plants and unicellular organisms reproduce asexually. Most mammals and fish use sexual reproduction. Some organisms like corals and komodo dragons can reproduce either sexually or asexually. But in the long term (over several generations), lack of sexual reproduction compromises their ability to adapt to the environment because they do not benefit from the genetic variation introduced by sexual reproduction.
Meiosis Content: Meiosis is a division of the number of chromosomes in biological cells by half. Sex cell division, chromosome replication only once, the cells split two times in succession, which is the chromosome number halved a special division. Meiosis is not only a mechanism to ensure the stability of the number of chromosomes, but also a mechanism for species to adapt to the changing environment. The result of meiosis is that the number of chromosomes in mature germ cells is less than half that of primordial germ cells. Meiosis is a range of organisms that undergo sexual reproduction; the period is from primordial germ cells to mature germ cells.
Mitosis Contect: Mitosis refers to the process by which a eukaryotic cell divides to produce somatic cells. Mitosis, also known as indirect division, was first discovered in 1882 by W. Fleming and E. Strasburger in 1880. Characterized by the presence of spindle chromosomes, sub-chromosomes are evenly distributed to daughter cells, this division is generally found in higher animals and plants (animals and higher plants). Mitosis of animal cells and higher plant cells is different.
Content on how organisms grow: Every living organism begins life as a single cell. Unicellular organisms may stay as one cell but they grow too. Multicellular organisms add more and more cells to form more tissues and organs as they grow.