Read the following article and reflect on how it affects you:

Fake Facebook Accounts

This article has really opened my eyes to see how much social media can do. Considering how big social media is in our generation and our lives today, we need to be aware of the dangers it holds. Personally, I use social media a lot and have been using it since I was young. As a kid, I am obviously more naive and should really be paying attention to who I bump into online. I need to be more aware of who they are and if I have met them face to face because of the lack of knowledge I have around safety. The age group I am currently in has always been pressured around popularity. We always try to make as many “friends” as we can which can possibly lead us to meeting and befriending someone like James Galan. We need to be more mindful of who we accept into our social lives because they might not be who we think they are. There are many people who are like James Galan, people who use fake profile pictures, fake backgrounds, and just an overall fake identity. It is important that people of all ages are more observant and on the look out for these people to be more safe in the social world.

Read the following article and reflect on how it affects you:

Fake Posts About Missing People

This article makes me confused. I don’t understand why people would create fake posts about things that are super serious and cause many people pain. I find it so pointless and dumb how people are making fake posts when there are people who are actually missing. There are people who are trying to find their loved ones and trying to find their family while others keep posting fake things for absolutely no reason. People who have the need to seek attention and achieve a certain amount of retweets need to realize that what they are doing is wrong. What they’re doing is misleading people and it needs to stop. This article doesn’t have connections with my life because I have not experienced what these people have, but it affects me because it helps me realize that many things online can easily be fake and I need to be aware of that. Honestly, I don’t have much to say about this topic and about these people because of the amount of pointlessness that is involved.

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