How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least 2 examples.

When I googled myself I was glad to see that I had no embarrassing or inappropriate sites, videos, and images of myself because I know that the digital footprint I leave on the internet will be permanent. Knowing that, I need to be careful of what I post because it will greatly affect my future whether its something positive or negative. It can affect my acceptance to the university I desire and can also affect my chances of getting a job in the future. Not only those but friends and family could also get a hold of your digital footprint.


Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

  1. Always pay attention to what you post by looking through it BEFORE posting it
  2. Remember that your digital footprint is permanent, so always be cautious
  3. You can ask someone to look over your post to see if it will be okay to have on your digital footprint


What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

There are so many things I learned about digital footprint but if i were to narrow it down to the most important ones it would be to remember that your digital footprint is permanent and that you should be aware that it can affect your future drastically. I would tell my peers by giving an example of someone with a bad digital footprint and how it can possibly affect their lives.


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