Invisible Watchers Corporation – Hayleigh Butcher

I am invisible. No really. I can get in a lot of trouble for writing this but I don’t care, the world needs to know. And in the case that no one traces this back to me my name and personal information will not be mentioned. Ok, here goes nothing. Everything you thought was wrong. Thought you had privacy? Wrong. Thought you were never being watched while you were home alone? Wrong. I am from a top secret organization called the Invisible Watchers Corporation. I.W.C for short. Basically they take people from society who are invisible. And this time I don’t mean literally. Y’know, outcasts, nerds, someone people wouldn’t notice if they disappeared. Anyway I was one of those people, I won’t get to much into it because like I said I don’t have a lot of time before they find me. So, I wasn’t always invisible. I.W.C made me like this, and they didn’t to millions of other people too. And not just adults. I’m talking kids, teens. I’m pretty sure they had a baby agent too. Agents, that’s what they called us. Our tasks started our small like sneaking into peoples houses or places of work and gather information. But then it started to get more serious. They had us sneaking into government buildings all over the world. The White House, BuckingHam Palace, the Parliament Buildings. We collected information for them so I.W.C could take down the official leaders of different countries. Their end goal was to corrupt the whole world and them expose themselves to be the ruler. I telling this so that hopefully someone will stop them. The work got to much for me and I couldn’t put up with it any longer. They have a photo of me. Wearing jeans and an adidas hoodie. They are going to terminate me because I was seen and caused too much attention. On our tasks we weren’t allowed to wear clothes because they hadn’t found something that we could wear that would be invisible like our bodies. Ok enough about me, to take them down, this is what you have to do…. First go to their hideout in Kelowna then this is very important…. Jglkadnghnjghafj. Help.

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