“Biscotti Blu” Self Assessment

Name: Hayleigh Butcher
Date: March 3rd 2020


I am an active listener and can respond to direct questions. While doing the story “biscotti blu” I made sure to listen and pay attention especially to the new words and phrases. I made sure to always listen who whoever was talking so I wouldn’t miss anything important. I also made sure to always answer the questions because I know that by practicing speaking Italian the better and faster I will be able to learn it.

I can present information clearly and in an organized way. While doing the in class write for the story “biscotti blu” I felt confident when I started to write. You could say that I felt successful because I knew that by listening and paying attention in class it would help in the future with my vocabulary for writing. I am very proud with what I wrote because I think that my story had good structure as well as the correct use of vocabulary. I am very happy with the mark I received. Although in the future I would like to remember that I need to thoroughly proof read my work to make sure I don’t miss any of the small grammatically errors.


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