The American Dream – Hayleigh Butcher

The American Dream

The American Dream, the good life, being able to have it all. Money, fame, power. To me the American Dream is none of these things. Sure for some people being wealthy and powerful is the way to experience life, but it isn’t how much money you have that makes the experience, it’s who you were with. In my opinion the American Dream is how we life live to the fullest by surrounding ourselves with the people we love and who make us happy. By striving to accomplish our goals, generating the best ideas to make our world a better place for everyone and to always be the better version of ourselves. To accomplish this “American Dream” of ours we have to be willing to push ourselves always no matter how hard it gets. We can’t fall down every time someone pushes us because they don’t agree with our ideas. Achieving goals doesn’t come naturally, it needs hard work and dedication, but it will pay off. The dream job, with the dream house, perfect family, great friends, and pure happiness. That’s the dream.

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