Rube Goldberg Project

Step A: the toy frog is wound up

Step B: the toy frog walks towards the hot wheels car

Step C: the hot wheels car moves down the ramp

Step D: the hot wheels drives into the cup

Step E: the cup shoots back into the dominos

Step F: the dominos knock over

Step G: the last domino hits the marble which rolls down the tube

Step H: the marble falls out into a container strapped onto a makeshift teeter-totter

Step I: the weight of the marble lifts the candle on the other side

Step J: the candle burns through the string bringing the ball down

Step K: the ball falls down hitting the wooden blocks below

Step L: the ball hits the blocks knocking them over like giant dominos

Step M: the second wooden blocks gets knocked over hitting the car

Step N: the car with the pin taped to the top moves towards the ballon

Step O: the pin onto of the car pops the balloon.

The main type of energy in this project there was a lot of mechanical energy like when the wind up frog walked toward the car or the dominos falling. There was also gravitational energy when the car rolled down the ramp. By using the candle the flame created thermal energy and also when the flame caught on the string. Lastly there was sound energy when the ballon popped at the end.

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