Should Sam Wear the Skirt?

Hayleigh Butcher                                                            Sam the athlete

Should Sam Wear the Skirt?
“Maybe, if he kept hanging in, the rules would change to suit him, and maybe, if he were lucky, the game would change too.”Sam the Athlete written by Stuart McLean is about a boy named Sam. Sam is nervous about starting middle school. He loves sports but unfortunately is not very good so when he makes a field hockey team he gets super excited even if it’s the girls team. Sam wears a skirt and shaves his legs so no one will know he’s a boy, but his father catches him practicing his moves in his room while wearing the skirt. Eventually everything gets sorted out and Sam continues to play on the team because it’s coed. Even though Sam has the option to wear shorts Sam decides to wear the skirt still. Sam should continue wearing the skirt because he feels comfortable in it and he should not be judged for wearing what he wants. He wanted to continue wearing the skirt because it made him feel good about himself and he was happy when he made his first sports team he really just wanted to fit in and to be just like everyone else on the team. He had the option to wear shorts but he chose not to be because he didn’t mind it and he liked the idea of being like the other kids and fitting in with them, because it was the team uniform. “Everyone on the team wears one”. He should be able to wear whatever he wants because he wants to and not what others think he should. If he feels comfortable wearing a skirt he should because he started to become more comfortable with himself and fitting in, he started to like going to school so I think he should continue with what he feels is right. “Like it? I love it”. A skirt shouldn’t be defined as a ͚girls͛ clothing because as said in the story men wore skirts called kilts in battle so it could show a certain strength. Sam should wear what he feels is right because it was the team uniform and he just wanted to fit in, so please let people wear what they want and don’t judge.


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