DNA Model Lab

1) Every cell in your body contains DNA. DNA is  the genetic code for your body. It is e two long similar strands spiraled into a double helix called a chromosome. They are all related to each other because they are all part of the DNA model.

2) In the model that we did, the licorice represents the sugar phosphate backbone. All the marshmellows represent the bonds between the backbones. The yellow are the Adenine (A), the green are Guanine (G), the pink are Cytosine (C), and the Orange represent Thymine (T).

3) This activity helped me understand how a DNA model works and how it looks. Also knowing how to place the bonds. The way I remember is the sayings “Cars go in the garage” and “apples on the tree”. I also learned about the double helix and the different parts of the model.

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