CLE Refelctions

Personality Reflection


  1. What is your personality type?


  1. Explain your personality type. What are some of the characteristics listed in your report? Do they match the adjectives you used to describe

         yourself in the “Personality Activity”? 

      -I am a very introversion person and I prefer to work alone. And came out as a person of judgement.

       And I’m hardworking, I’m a thoughtful person. Also I’m a introverted person.


  1. What do you think your most valuable personality trait is? Why?

     -I (introversion) that’s because that is the most dominant trait I have ever seen.

      Actually, I prefer to work alone, I feel comfortable when I do something by myself.


  1. Why is it important to understand your personality type? 

      Because I need to understand it well so that I can know who I am and reduce my worries about the future.

      I think it is important to understand myself.

  1. In your Personality Survey Report box, click +Reflection and add your answers from this reflection.  


My Learning Styles Reflection


  1. What is your learning style?     

 Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic

  1. List four study tips that were recommended to you. Bold the ones you have not tried yet.
  1. Underline or highlight key ideas in your notes
  2. Repeat information with your eyes closed
  3. Study in short blocks of time and give yourself breaks
  4. Pause, and try to create a mental image in your mind, or pause, and draw a visual representation


  1. Select one of the study tips you have tried, and explain why it was beneficial. 

   I have tried to Underline or highlight key ideas in my notes.

   It was beneficial to me because this method is easier to remember words or important things.


  1. How will knowing your learning style help you academically or personally?

Knowing my learning style is helpful for me to achieve my academic goal,

because I can repeat my learning style to get more result within less time consume.


My Interests Reflection


  1. What is your interest type? 

      The Arranger

  1. Do you agree with the description of your interest type? Bold your answer      YES   NO    SORT OF  
  1. What your primary and secondary interest traits?
  1. Artistic
  2. Conventional


  1. What are three of the occupation matches listed in the Match Results tab? Would you enjoy these careers?  Why or why not? (*HINT: Complete the Compatibility Survey by clicking ‘Get Started’ to learn more about an occupation

1) Multimedia Artists and Animators
  Multimedia artists and animators need to create a complex design. I enjoy designing complex shape to make it simple. When I do this, I usually use my own judgment. Thus, I think I would enjoy this career.


2) Graphic Designer

I have been drawing since I was four years old. I have applied for many design competitions. These experience ensure me that I would be a graphic designer. I am interested in developing logo and product package. I would enjoy this career.

3) Web developer

I am a good leader of a team. I have done many team projects in my country. While doing these projects, I usually direct my team members to produce the best results. I update my social media account on the regular basis. So, I think a web developer is a good job for me. I would enjoy this career.

  1. What do these occupation matches have in common with your interest traits (Click View Report and read about your top two interest traits)?

The three occupations need creativity in common. My top two interest traits are creativity and self-expression as an artist. I prefer a working environment where flexibility, variety and change are expected. My traits match with the three occupation well.

  1. Go to Portfolios and select My CLE Portfolio


  1. In your Interests Survey Report box, click +Reflection and add your answers from this reflection.  


My Knowledge Reflection



  1. What are your top three subject areas? 
  1. Creative Arts
  2. Technical Trades
  3. Language Arts

  1. What topics do they include?
  2. visual arts, music, and dramatic art
  3. agriculture, cosmetology, foods, and construction
  4. reading, writing, and communication

  1. What is your Career Cluster?

Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications

  1. What are some of the things someone in this career cluster would enjoy? Is it suited to your interests? 

In the art area, people are interested in performing such as drama, film, and music. However, it is not suitable for me because I am too introverted to stand in front of audiences.  

  1. What are three of the occupation matches listed at the bottom of the page? Would you enjoy these careers? Why or why not?


Multimedia Artists and Animators
  Multimedia artists and animators need to create a complex design. I enjoy designing complex shape to make it simple. When I do this, I usually use my own judgment. Thus, I think I would enjoy this career.


Graphic Designer

I have been drawing since I was four years old. I have applied for many design competitions. These experience ensure me that I would be a graphic designer. I am interested in developing logo and product package. I would enjoy this career.

Web developer

I am a good leader of a team. I have done many team projects in my country. While doing these projects, I usually direct my team members to produce the best results. I update my social media account on the regular basis. So, I think a web developer is a good job for me. I would enjoy this career.

o Go to High School, and search courses in your top three subject areas. 

*Optional: Create a plan with these courses and see what Post-Secondary Opportunities are available to you by clicking the numbers in the Pathway Eligibility Indicator

  1. Go to Portfolios and select My CLE Portfolio
  2. In your Knowledge Survey Report box, click +Reflection and add your answers from the above questions






Bald is Beautiful Questions

1.She realized that her friends are more important than her hair . Because she is not alone any more. So I think her point is friends are important things in her life.

2.I think Janie is hero in this story. Because Janie shaved her hair for her sister. If I was her, maybe I can’t do that. She is so brave!

PE10 dance

PE10 first aid video