Math and Philosophy

Today was our first class where we had Mr. Colgate in for a discussion on math, philosophy, infinity, as well as when to use debating and when to use dialogue. It was a cool class for me, because we got to think about some topics that I hardly ever think deeply about, and it left me without thoughts on some questions that we were told.

One question was “How can some infinites be bigger than others?” I still wonder about that one, because if infinity is something with an infinite amount, how can something be bigger than it?

Another question was “Do you think math was there before humans?” In my opinion, I think it was, there just wasn’t anything to describe yet in words or numbers. Humans just put numbers and formulas to objects to understand them better, just like how we speak languages to understand each other. Math can often describe natural things, which were here before us, just without us to describe them – the math within them was still there.

A question of my own is when can we use infinity in math? and how?

Overall I liked how we got to talk about some crazy topics that dont have a right or wrong answer, like in math questions, and got to learn lots of new things!!

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