Laundry Detergent Lab

Is something that costs more actually better?
That’s what we wanted to test in this lab. We tried 4 different laundry detergents- one that costs $5 more, two popular detergents, and a cheap detergent- to see which one would get a mustard stain out the best.
Want to know the answer? Check out my lab by clicking this link:

Laundry Detergent Lab

Here’s a couple photos from the lab:

Here's our cloth stained with mustard

Here’s our cloth stained with mustard

This is the beakers with detergent and the piece of cloth that will go in them.

This is the beakers with detergent and the piece of cloth that will go in them.

Here's the cloths after just being washed and rinsed out...

Here’s the cloths after just being washed and rinsed out…

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