October 15

Climate InfoFluency

  • First, I researched the fact how people on Earth could reduce the pollution created at least by a little bit, but I noticed that this question was too vague in a sense and wasn’t very climate change related that much so I chose the question, what could everyone do to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases. There were 3 main gases that made greenhouse gases: methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. So, I provided information about those gases and also provided a somewhat solution that does have a chance that we could make our planet much healthier.
  • I have used some familiar tools that I have already used to research my topic. I used only one type of search engine which was Google. I only used that because I think Google is the most reliable source to use. I did use Bing a single time, but it was only because I forgot to search up Google because my default website is Bing. Others like Msn or DuckDuckGo is not used by a lot of people and not well known so I think that is why I do not use those websites. Another reason is because I have seen teachers use Google. When teachers search something up, I have seen them use Google. Teachers tell us to use good sources so because teachers use Google, I think it is a good source. I have used Easybib to cite my websites into MLA 8.
  • I did not have this same question at the start of the assignment. I had the question “What can people do to reduce the amount of pollution that is made”. But the question was a bit too common and it was not related that much to climate change, so I changed my question to this. I went over the slides of the climate change PowerPoint that Ms. Yorke made and there, I found a lot of information that I could use, which really helped me. I also went on a search engine (G*****) and researched my topic. After all my research, I started typing on Word.
  • I used Easybib to cite my websites in MLA 8 style. I also used Worldbook Online from the school e-library. I thought it is a very trustworthy website because it is provided from the school. When I used a website, I looked at the top left corner where it does say if a website is not secure or secure. I did choose the websites that said secure because the information might not be true if I use a not secure site.
  • I think I have done a pretty good job on my assignment. I met all the requirements and I did read the rubric before I started so I get a general idea of what the requirements are. At the start, it was a little complicated because I did not have a general idea, but Ms. Yorke gave me a good idea on greenhouse gases so there I went with my idea. I think I could have done a little more research on my topic.

Question: What can everyone do to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases so that there would be much less climate change?

Answer: Methane is one of the main components of the greenhouse gases. One of the reasons why climate change is happening is because there’s too much methane in the air. Burning of fossil fuels, animals such as cows burping and farting, the fermentation of rice fields and the burning at landfills are all reasons why there is so much methane in the air. In the years of the 1750’s, there were 722 parts per billion so, if you collected a billion particles of the air, 722 if those particles would be methane. But in the present, there are a whopping 1834 parts per billion. You might think like “Oh, it’s only~ 1834 ppb (parts per billion). Not a big of a deal.” But actually, methane gases are 26x more powerful than carbon dioxide. So, if we tried to reduce the amount of methane gas produced, we would have to burn fewer fossil fuels, make less waste etc. It will not be easy I will tell you that because one, there are also a ton of CO2 and nitrous oxide in the air that we still must reduce to reduce the greenhouse gases and two, humans won’t change that easily.

Answer: Carbon dioxide is one of the other greenhouse gases that we must have to reduce. Pre. 1750’s, there has been 280 parts per million but now, there is 400 parts per million. One of the largest carbon stores are the burning of fossil fuels. Because an animal must have carbon to survive, it is stored in their bones so when they burn the fossils, the carbon is spreaded into the air. Another source is humans. Humans exhale carbon dioxide when they exhale, and they consume oxygen. A great thing is that plants consume carbon dioxide unlike us, and they exhale oxygen which is basically a win-win. Here’s the problem. 45% of the CO2 created stays in the atmosphere, 30% enters in the ocean and 25% is consumed by plants. 45% is in the atmosphere, that’s why there is too much CO2 right now because people are not caring and just using. Another big reason why there is too much CO2 right now because too much deforestation is going on. Trees are one of the most important things that will consume our CO2. Because they are getting cut down, less carbon will be consumed and because less CO2 is consumed, the Earth is getting drier that will lead to droughts and more deforestation because it’s too dry. How we fix this is that we could stop cutting down trees and plant more. We could reduce the amount of fossil fuels being burnt. We can’t not breath so it’s fine to breath.

Answer: Nitrous Oxide is the third and final main component of greenhouse gases. Nitrous Oxide is the most powerful out of all three I have been mentioning. It is a breathtaking 298x more powerful than CO2. Pre. 1750’s, there were 270 ppb but now there are 398 ppb. The reason why is again, fossil fuels. But because of agriculture too. Rather than agriculture, it its more because of the use of fertilizers. It is because most of fertilizers are nitrogen based because nitrogen helps the growing of plants. Actually, fertilizers help stimulate microbes in the soil to convert nitrogen to nitrous oxide at a faster pace than normal, so it takes a negative side effect. Another reason is because of nylon industries. In the process of making nylon, an acid called Adipic acid is needed. Adipic acid is a fine powder used in the manufacture of nylon fibers. Nitrous Oxide is made in the process of oxidation of a ketone-alcohol mixture with nitric acid. Around 30 grams of nitrous oxide is produced for each kilogram of Adipic acid made. Some ways that we can prevent the expanding amount of nitrous oxide is that we can reduce the amount of fossil fuels burnt like it is said for all the other gases, and we can reduce the amount of fertilizers being used. It will not be easy because we will need to use fertilizers, but we can try and figure out another fertilizer that can do everything the same as the ones with the nitrous oxide that does not contain nitrous oxide.



Nunez, Christina. “Carbon Dioxide Levels Are at a Record High. Here’s What You Need to Know.” Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere Is at a Record High. Here’s What You Need to Know., 14 May 2019, www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/greenhouse-gases/#close.

Reay, Dave. “Nitrous Oxide Sources – Industry.” Nitrous Oxide Sources – Industry, www.ghgonline.org/nitrousindustry.htm.

Sanders, Robert. “Fertilizer Use Responsible for Increase in Nitrous Oxide in Atmosphere.” Berkeley News, 9 July 2015, news.berkeley.edu/2012/04/02/fertilizer-use-responsible-for-increase-in-nitrous-oxide-in-atmosphere/.

Pearce, Fred, et al. “What Is Causing the Recent Rise in Methane Emissions?” Yale E360, 2016, e360.yale.edu/features/methane_riddle_what_is_causing_the_rise_in_emissions.


Posted October 15, 2019 by Gideon - Hyungseung in category Science 9

4 thoughts on “Climate InfoFluency

  1. Mr. Robinson

    Great job examining the different gasses that effect our climate. One thought is to be more specific on solutions. I love how you have outlined very well how these gases contribute to climate but you could have delved deeper into you ideas for solutions. If you were to embrace one of the things on your list of solutions, what would it be?

    1. gideons2019 (Post author)

      Hello Mr. Robinson,
      I totally agree with your comment. After I read my blog over, I also think I missed out on a couple of aspects of how to prevent, the real solution. I think I only explained what the cause was too much rather than giving a real solution. I don’t think there is anything that can improve a comment because the comment that you have given me was very helpful and not complicating.
      Thank you very much

  2. Aryan

    Great work Gideon! I really like the amount of detail you put into this. A couple things i would add would probably to make your question more visible because i was having a hard time finding it. I do have a question, do you think you are doing your part to effect climate change?

    1. gideons2019 (Post author)

      Thank you. Next time, I will maybe change the question in bold so it would be more visible. I think I am doing my share of preventing climate change. To get around, unless it is somewhere far away, I do not use a vehicle and mostly, I walk. Not much waste is made from our household so less of burning wastes.


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