How sustainable is BC’s Forestry Industry?

Clearcutting’s definition – cutting all commercially available trees from a selected area

benefits of clearcutting

  • efficient method of harvesting with higher profit
  • controls pests and competing plants, improves seedbeds, and prevents soil problem
  • reforest with fat-growing trees

drawbacks of clearcutting

  • increases water pollution and flooding
  • eliminate essential habitat for some wildlife
  • reduce the range of different plants and animals


Silviculture’s definition – technology and science that continuously meet the diverse needs and values of landlords and societies by controlling the establishment, growth, formation, health and quality of forests and forests

benefits of silviculture

  • produce many raw materials for the industry
  • increase forest cover which is necessary for the conservation of wildlife
  • prevent soil erosion as the forest cover keeps the topsoil intact

drawbacks of silviculture

  • it is not suited to wildlife species where overhead cover or more structurally diverse habitats are required
  • increase mass wasting hazard on steep slopes with fine soil


Selective logging’s definition – cutting down mature or inferior trees to encourage the growth of trees remaining in forests or trees.

benefits of selective logging

  • reduce fire hazards and minimize soil erosion
  • help the forest grow back faster

drawbacks of selective logging

  • expensive
  • remove genetically superior trees
  • lots of stumps


Answer the key question above using your research and your understanding of the economy of the Forestry Industry

I think forest industry is not sustainable. Forest industry gives many jobs and profit economically, but we use many trees, so the cutting trees is faster than regeneration of trees. therefore, we get a lot of damage like global warming, climate change and various creatures disappear or decrease. Also, there will be few forests available for us to use in the future.

Ethic of Care

  • How do you personally define an ethic of care?

ethic of care is the moral feelings. when someone do something, they feel responsibility.

  • What would be needed to create an ethic of care?

it is necessary for me to empathize with and understand the situation.

  • What would we have to believe about the environment to care for it? How should we see it?

We have to believe that there are many changes in the environment depending on how we do. also, we always rely on the environment

  • How would we act if we cared about the environment? – give scenarios

We can remind that everything we use and do affects the environment.  when we use or do something, we can caring about the use of disposable products, recycling, and saving water that we can pass by inadvertently.

  • What would be different about the world if everyone adopted this ethic of care towards the environment? Benefits and drawbacks?

we will lose convenience, but we can keep the environment more longer

  • Should we adopt an ethic of care towards the environment

we should adopt an ethic of care towards the environment because we and the environment are always interacting. if we use the environment too much, we also have that much disadvantage.