Shakespeare – Graphic Novel

Shakespeare Graphic Novel

I really enjoyed this graphic novel because it was a fun and creative way to demonstrate what we understood from the Shakespeare play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” into something more fun then just writing an essay. This was the first time I used Pixton but I found it quite easy to understand and I did not run into any problems at all. Another reason why I enjoyed doing this project is because I believe that there are no wrong answers to what you can put for your frames. There is no one right answer so I found that I could be as creative as I wanted to be while making my frames because the options were limitless. I also enjoyed this project because I found reading the Shakespeare play really interesting and different from what I usually read. It was a little bit tricky for me to read the Shakespearean text at first so I read it and then read the modern text after to see if i understood the same things. As I kept reading I would start to read the modern text after finishing the Shakespearean text less and less until the point that I only read the Shakespearean text. Unfortunately I did run into one problem but it wasn’t a technical technical problem. I found it super difficult to portray all of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” because in the play, in different acts there are separate stories that meet together and connect near the end. Because of this, I only used the story of the four teenage lovers with Puck and Oberon and some other characters who affect the story for them. In the end everything worked out great and I am really happy I had the chance to do this project!