Digital Footprint

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

There is 2 ways that your digital footprint could impact future opportunities, negatively and positively. An example of a positive impact on, for example, a job could be a photo of you helping other less fortunate people. An example of a negative impact for applying for a job would be a photo or a video of you and maybe a group of friends spray painting profanities at a local park.

Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

To keep your digital footprint safe and clean, the first thing to make sure of is if whatever you’re posting, for example a picture doesn’t include anything that you wouldn’t show to your grandma or has something that an employer wouldn’t like to see when deciding to hire you for a job. The second thing to do is to not say anything offensive or racist as it could come back at you few years later. The third and last thing I got is to have picture and videos of you genuinely helping the community or people in need. Don’t just put up picture of you helping people just to seem nice because someone could potentially find out and you could lose a very good opportunity at a university for a job.

What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

The first thing I would say is just try not to do anything stupid, and if you do, keep quiet about it and don’t post it and social media. I would also tell them about the media and them bringing up things celebrities said in the past like 10 or more years ago that’s somewhat offensive to a group of people and they will try to “expose” them and attempt to ruin their career. Try not to post anything too offensive not even as a joke as if you become famous one day, the media can try and shut you down with things you say in the past. The last I would tell them is to try and do something nice everyone once in a while. You don’t need to post about what you did every time, but you can build up a reputation and who knows? One day maybe someone you helped could be your future boss and he or she will remember you for what you did for them.

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