
Most of the food I eat come in all sorts of packaging such as plastic packaging, cardboard boxes and plastic bags. I think they were packaged like that because the company the made the product wanted their product to look appealing to the customer. The plastic packaging and plastic bags aren’t very good for the consumer because the plastic just becomes garbage and they usually throw out the packages. On the other hand, the plastic bags can be reused as garbage bags for your bins. The carboard boxes can just be recycled but you can also use them as storage if they are large enough. If you just trash your packages, they will probably just end up in a landfill where they with stay there for hundreds or thousands of years. But on the bright side, the food waste will just decompose into the ground and will just be used as fertilizer. We can create less waste if we avoid buying things with plastic packaging as much as possible or we just don’t waste too much food and only buy what you need. Another suggestion could be to use the waste to your advantage and make some nifty crafts with them. 

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