How Cells Multiply

Sexual reproduction is the creation of a new living organism by two parents that each contribute 50% of the DNA for the new offspring.  Sexual reproduction has variations, because every offspring that is created is different unless it is an identical twin. Asexual reproduction is when a single celled organism makes an identical copy of…

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Adaptive Tech Artifacts of Learning

On September 24th 2019 my science class had a Skype chat with Tim Mepham and his daughter Nicola Andersen at the Nicola Lodge. During this discussion we learnt that Tim suffers from Huntington’s disease and we also learnt some of the difficulties that Tim suffers from everyday due to his disease. From this discussion we…

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Edible DNA

                    These two pictures show me holding my edible DNA cell that I made in class. What is DNA? DNA is a long molecule inside of cells that contains the genetic code of organisms. Almost every living/biotic thing has DNA. What does DNA do? DNA stores…

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Currents from the Kitchen Part 2

For this experiment we were split into groups of four where we then had to select some fruits and vegetables to preform the experiment. For the experiment we tested if there was any voltage when a piece of copper and a nail made of zinc were put into the chosen piece of fruit or vegetable…

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Currents from the Kitchen

My Prediction: My prediction is that the mandarin orange will produce the most electric voltage. I think the mandarin orange will produce the most electric voltage because it has lots of smaller pieces inside of it and that might allow the electricity to be produced easier because the pieces are rubbed together.  

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Explore the Field

My Significant Question: How can the quality of of life be improved for those who suffer from Huntington’s disease? Why Question is Significant: My question is significant because currently there is no known cure for Huntington’s disease. Because of this improvements to the quality of life can provide hope and meaning for those who suffer…

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