This week in math 10 we focused on different forms of equations to solve for the slope. There were three different equations we learned starting with my personal favorite slope y-intercept form, and then point-slope form and last but not least general form. I believe that these are the most important concepts I learned this week because as I start to go into more advanced math courses understanding the basic equations will help ensure that I can grasp the newer and harder concepts faster.


Slope Y-Intercept Form:

The slope y-intercept form finds the slope and the y-intercept.

The form of this equation is:

m=the slope and b=the y-intercept


Point-Slope Form:

The point-slope form finds the slope and a set of coordinates.

The form of this equation is:

m=the slope, x(one)=the x-coordinate and the y(one)=the y-coordinate

When you are given a slope and a set of coordinates you can take the information and put it into the point-slope form equation. Once you have done that you can find the slope y-intercept.

From looking at the equation above 4(x-2)=y-7 we can immediately find out that the slope is 4 and a set of coordinates is (2,7)


General Form:

General form is generally a very useless form to use when finding the slope because the equation does not tell us anything about the slope, y-intercept or coordinates until we change it into a different form.

Despite general form not being extremely useful there are a few rules when using it such as:

The form of this equation is:

For example:

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