COVID 19 has certainly rocked our world for the worst this past month. However, I have still been able to find my silver lining. During this difficult time I have spent a lot of time alone because my mother is a first responder and is still going to work, nonetheless I have tried to make the best of it by discovering many hobbies that I usually don’t have time for because I’m typically very busy. Even after one month of this new normal, I still find it very odd to have so much free-time on my hands as I normally have at least three activities a day, but I am able to fill the day very easily by reading and cooking. I have always enjoyed reading and specifically now I feel it is important to be able to escape all the stress and news of the world when I open up my book and get lost in the fabulous stories. I have never read so much in my life and I still intend to discover many more famous books and genres as I’ve only recently started with The Grapes of Wrath, the series Something Borrowed, the series The Selection and a quite few more novels. My aunt has been very generous and is letting me borrow a lot of her old books, which makes me very happy because I love to reuse things.
Another ways that I am spending my new found free-time is by cooking. I do not usually have time to cook at home as I am headed of to more sports, but since I have no activities I have taken it upon myself to learn new things, including cooking meals. Lately because I’m doing less exercise I have been trying to stay very healthy with what I eat, so instead of baking I prefer to find some great recipes for dinner to make. I am trying hard to stay positive and keep myself busy during these difficult times and as much as I miss my friends I try to let myself dwell as there are bigger problems and I will continue to keep myself busy with my silver lining.

One thought on “My Silver Lining”

  1. Great work Ella! For a super active person, this can be a really hard tie, but you are definitely finding the good, for body and soul! I am sure your mom appreciates your cooking when she gets home from work!

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