There is no doubt that being a police officer is one of the most important jobs in our society. I have always looked up to police officers and I am very honoured that I was able to connect with one for this assignment. Constable Adam Mills is a police officer here in the Vancouver, BC, Canada and he works for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). He is a very dedicated officer and has been working for nearly 17 years now. This assignment has opened up many new possible career options and opportunities (either as a police officer or work in the public sector) for myself, including having a notable police constable provide me with valuable insights about his job. Speaking to Constable Mills has allowed me to create new connections with my local community, because he works in a field that can affect all of us if we ever need help and now I can put a face and personality behind a local officer. I found value in learning new information about this crucially important job. Here is a link to the RCMP’s website for Constable Mills’ work.

This is the RCMP symbol

Why are you passionate about your job?

ANS: I enjoy the challenges and the variety.  Some days are similar to one another but on some days totally unexpected things happen. I feel like I get to be a part of things that are noteworthy and exciting.  I get satisfaction from uncovering information that is significant to a case and also from seeing investigations build.  I enjoy the training opportunities, learning new skills, and the chance to meet interesting people from many walks of life.

What obstacles have you faced to get where you are today?

ANS: My first posting was in a very remote, very small town.  I lived there for 3 years and did not have much of a social life outside of work.  After 3 years I had the opportunity to move to the lower mainland where I am much happier, am closer to family and have a wide circle of friends.

This is just one of the detachments that Adam has worked at over the years.

What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

ANS: Live with honesty and integrity.  Acknowledge your weaknesses and work to improve them.  Admit your mistakes and work to remedy them.  Make exercise and physical activity a part of your lifestyle.

Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

ANS: Sure.  Email: Adam.Mills@RCMP-GRC.GC.CA

What other skills do you need to become a police officer?
ANS: Communication skills (oral and written), an ability to learn physical skills quickly (ie. driving, defensive tactics, firearms), fitness, Positive Attitude and the ability to preservere in the face of adversity.

What kind of people do you help and do you find it rewarding?
ANS: I get satisfaction from helping victims of crime and others in need.  I’ve also had the opportunity to build relationships and work with former criminals who have changed their mindset which is both interesting and rewarding.
This is the red surge that all RCMP members wear for events.
This is an RCMP officer doing traffic duty and is one of the many important jobs police officers are responsible for to keep us safe.

2 thoughts on “Community Connection”

  1. CST AJ MILLS 49939, it was a pleasure working with Ella and she did a very good job on this.

  2. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublogs post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Way to incorporate your answers on your Edublogs portfolio
    – Thanks for going the extra mile on this assignment. This is a great example of a connection!

    Thank you,

    Mr. Robinson and Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teachers

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