These two pictures show me holding my edible DNA cell that I made in class.

What is DNA?

DNA is a long molecule inside of cells that contains the genetic code of organisms. Almost every living/biotic thing has DNA.

What does DNA do?

DNA stores genetic instructions and has all the information that programs all of our cells activities like making all the proteins in our bodies.

How does DNA copy itself?

When DNA copies itself there are a few steps:

1. First the helicase slices loose the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs.

2. Then the DNA is split into two different singular strands that will be used to make new templates for the new DNA strands. The two different strands are called the leading and the lagging strands.

3. Then a small piece of RNA called primer comes and attaches itself to the end of the leading strand. Then lots of RNA primers attach to multiple points on the lagging strand. The primer is used as a starting point for the DNA synthesis.

4. Then the DNA polymerase attaches to the leading strand and then goes threw it attaching  new complementary nucleotide bases to the strand of DNA, which is called continuous. Then large pieces of DNA are then added to the lagging strand, which is called Okazaki fragments.

5.Once all the bases are matched up an enzyme called exonuclease take away the primer(s). Then the gaps where the primers were are filled by more complementary nucleotides.

6. Then an enzyme called DNA ligase closes up the sequence of DNA in two continuous strands.

My Resources:

“DNA”. Sciencedaily, 2019, Accessed 16 Dec 2019.

“What Is DNA Replication?”. Yourgenome.Org, 2019, Accessed 16 Dec 2019.

One thought on “Edible DNA”

  1. Great work posting a picture of your edible DNA with what DNA is and what DNA does. You included a complete explanation of how DNA copies itself in your own words. Good job including your sources as well!

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