The fitness journals that we needed to complete during the pandemic of the coronavirus, has me to develop my critical thinking. When I had to be doing the exercises each day through each of the fitness journals, I was analyzing my personal records of the reps for each set, and pushing myself to do more and more reps. I liked to overcome my past goals and set future goals for the different types of exercises I was doing. Also I was critiquing my form that I used for the exercises and trying to make it better and better. In the fitness journal I also Developed/designed my own exercises for the fitness journal. I added the spider-man push-ups to the fitness journals, which I had never tried before I started the fitness journals. Overall this semester of fitness has really improved my confidence level of my athleticism, by being able to do certain exercises that I wouldn’t have been able to do if I didn’t take Fitness this semester.
Core Competency: Critical Thinking